Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7 - Me

Oops, got carried away with procrastination today. Maybe I could leave it at that.

I have my comprehensive exams due next week (6 papers (1 page each) of master's class reactions, 25 page examination of my work, experience, and future goals complete with cited sources *ack*, a resume, and a website with my body of work which you will be able to witness here, if you are so inclined, but not until next week because let's be serious here, in addition to a masterful ability to create run-on sentences, I am powerfully incapable of finishing things before they are due.

I also have a pitch to prepare for Saturday. I have 20 minutes to basically sell my screenplay to my professor. I am unprepared. What will happen is that I stand there stuttering and saying, "oh, and then this thing happens to someone", etc.

Oh, and my girls are coming on Saturday, after my pitching class. This is beyond awesome (and therefore should not be mentioned here), save for the fact that I have to clean my house. My house is icky right now.

I also have to pitch my thesis project next week. I have to prepare it, too. And my short screenplay just got ripped apart, which means I need to rewrite it. I also have to come up with a plan for my thesis and be able to back it up in front of my colleagues and professors.

Also, I am breaking out.

Also, my new jeans are too short and are vaguely mom-like. Also, get baggy wicked quick.

Also, I think the guy I am crushing on a little thinks I am some young college kid who is hoping for career guidance from him.... Not exactly what I am looking for... And I getting over the crush, which makes me sad because my crushes are so few and far between. But sheesh... Boys are so stupid.

Also, I saw Brach's Christmas nougats at CVS tonight and didn't buy them. I may be over them. But I love them! Or do I? I usually go through more than a dozen bags at the Noel time.

Also, I am super broke.

So, be glad you are not me. I am barreling at full speed towards crazy old lady with cats (well, I have the one, but he is really big, so he counts as four) territory.

1 comment:

  1. I got exhausted just reading all that. This stupid boy says thanks for the birthday wishes, and good luck with your mountain of work. When it's all done, you should come dancing with us!
